"What Happens in Vagueness, Stays in Vagueness…."

In a recent MEA workshop titled “The Roadmap to Your Soul’s Expression,” guest faculty member Ken Daigle unleashed this quote that felt like a thousand white doves emerging from a gigantic cage. Ken’s superb point was that naming and claiming your soul’s desire is an essential first step to creating your ideal life. Vagueness doesn’t help.

"What Happens in Vagueness, Stays in Vagueness…."

"Kiss and Release"

There’s a well-known fishing term called “catch and release.” You catch the fish and then release it back into the water, allowing it to live another day. The essence of fishing lies not in killing but in the act of catching. Some people apply the “catch and release” philosophy to their dating life, prioritizing the thrill of catching a hot date over committing to a long-term relationship.

"Kiss and Release"

On the Way Up, Humility. On the Way Down, Curiosity.

Rudyard Kipling's poem “If” is one of my favorites. I swoon when I arrive at the line, "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same."

On the Way Up, Humility. On the Way Down, Curiosity.

“How Long Will It Take?" Vs. “How Long Can I Savor It?”

The other day, I was talking with my college friend Jeff, whose athletic spirit has always impressed me. He is pushing his mid-60s, telling me he’s about to embark upon the 250-mile John Muir Trail for an extended hiking and camping trip.

“How Long Will It Take?" Vs. “How Long Can I Savor It?”

LARGE TALK: Where We Go When We’re Done With Small Talk.

"Small talk" is defined as "polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially as engaged in on social occasions." Sounds rather quaint, right?

LARGE TALK: Where We Go When We’re Done With Small Talk.

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.

This animated short won this year’s Oscar, and I recently got the chance to watch it with a couple of MEA alums, Michael and Debbie Campbell. The Campbells asked ChatGPT what the most meaningful thoughts expressed in the film were, and here’s what AI offered:

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.

Do You Know Your Why?

In his 2014 Ted Talk, Simon Sinek sheds light on the concept of knowing a company’s “Why.” He examines “Why they do what they do” over simply “What they do” or “How they do it”. With over 66 million views, it is among one of the top Ted Talks.

Do You Know Your Why?

You Can’t Unroll a Snowball.

And, you can’t unring a bell. Okay, so you’ve said the “thing” to a friend, family member, or co-worker that you wish you hadn’t said. Maybe you were well-intentioned, and perhaps there was even truth in what you said, but your tone and choice of words were not ready for prime time and definitely won’t appear on your highlight reel at the pearly gates of heaven.

You Can’t Unroll a Snowball.

"What I Have is All I Need."

At the Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto, Japan, an inscription appears on a 17th-century stone basin that is the title of today’s blog post.

"What I Have is All I Need."

We’re All Rebels When We’re Living Our Truth.

Post-pandemic it’s never been more clear that we are a culture disconnected from our rebel souls. What exactly do I mean by that? Consider this disheartening evidence:

We’re All Rebels When We’re Living Our Truth.